Name the Four Different Ways of Using Color in Representational Art

By Dianne Mize in Fine art Tutorials> Painting Tutorials

The ever-intriguing question, "What colour is that?" is a very common 1 among human beings. Colors are of import in the food we eat, the apparel we wear, our homes, cars, even our pets. . . and while the colors in a painting might exist the starting time thing a viewer notices, there's a lot more to color than meets the eye.

So information technology's up to us, equally artists, to delve beyond just recognizing and naming colors to using colors for their inherent qualities, towards a specific terminate.

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The role of colors in a painting

In a contempo tutorial we looked at the roles of value in our paintings, and how these roles are independent of color. Today I desire to have a look at what we tin can make color exercise that value cannot practise.

You lot'll observe that merely like value, colour has two roles: describing and composing.

Colors tin describe a scene in ways value cannot

There are really four different ways that colors describe things:

1. Hue: the location within the color spectrum


For example, the hue of lemons could be spectrum xanthous or they could lean a bit towards orangish or towards greenish.

yellow lemons

This depends upon whether the calorie-free source is absurd or warm. No matter which, it is still in the yellow family.

2. Saturation: the degree of spectrum purity

Saturation changes toward neutral when complements are mixed together. For example, when purple gets mixed into yellow, the xanthous becomes less pure and more neutralized. Wait at this example.

yellow rose compare

The hues are yellowish in both roses, but the right rose is more than neutral than the left.

3. Temperature: warm to cool

Colors inside the yellow, orangish and ruddy families tend to exist warmer than colors in the bluish, dark-green and purple families. In our lemons example, the lemon one-half on the left is warmer than the half on the right which contains a bit of the cooler color blueish.

Meet this commodity to learn how to find the correct color temperature while painting.

4. Value: low-cal to dark

The hue of a color is not the same seen in light as seen in shadow.

blue ball

I have sampled from this blue ball 5 areas to show how the hue is different depending upon to what degree it is in directly low-cal. 1 dominion of thumb: cool low-cal produces warmer shadows; warm lite produces libation shadows.

Hither, the purplish shadow is cooler than the warmer blue in the lite, where nosotros tin can even encounter a bit of xanthous. (Your monitor colors may vary.)

Colors tin also bear upon the composition of a painting

The five major composing roles of colour are equally follows:

1.To harmonize (or the opposite, to contrast)

2.To unify a scene

3.To gear up forth a visual path

four.To produce rhythm

5.To create emphasis

In the Richard Schmid oil painting below, color functions in all five roles.

schmid pansies

The overall warm tones create harmony along with repetition of orange and warm green. Blues in the groundwork and foreground give contrast or counter-harmony.

While dominance of warm colors unify the painting, a visual path is created with the repeating of the brighter oranges. The repeated smaller green shapes in the leaf create a rhythm inside that path.

The emphasis in this painting is from accents of yellows, xanthous-oranges, that one little pinkish flower in the lower right and that tiny little yellow note in the lower right.

At present look at a totally unlike painting by Robert Genn.

genn falls

The overall blue tone unifies, while purplish-reddish accents bring harmony throughout. Repeating greens fix the visual path and give rise to rhythm. Emphasis results from the highlights in the water contrasting with the surrounding blue and nighttime gray rocks.

Finally, expect at this portrait by John Burton.

burton shepherd

Repeated golds and warm browns harmonize the piece. That warmth receives accent from the contrasting cooler blues in the sky. A dominance of warms unify as the viewer's eye is led throughout the painting with the repetition of orange-yellows.

When we observe and use the descriptive characteristics of color as composing tools, we discover a world of opportunity for creative and fresh uses of colour.

Try taking your paintings this one step further—plan some of your colour choices alee of time—and see how it opens up an entirely new door to inventiveness.


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